

January 28, 2011

With so much fast food and fatty health hazards around, a short term healthy body detox can have a very positive impact on your health, but if you’ve never done a body detox before, you should learn how to detox your body safely and healthily before you begin any kind of liver detox or other detox diets.

Detox is short for detoxification and invovles the removing of toxic substances from your body via the bloodstream. The human body has a natural detox function through the liver, kidneys and lower gastrointestinal tract. Before learning how to detox your body naturally, you need to understand the basics of how your body cleanses itself:(this is important) The liver attempts to keep the body clean as it denies other toxins from entering the blood stream, however, over time, this body detox process is exposed to so many toxins that this natural fight mechanism can wear down – so learning how to detox your body can bring substantial benefits to your health and well being.

Long Term vs. Short Term Detox
Detox programs can be short-term or long-term, but they all aim to release toxins from the body. Short-term detox programs should include: 24-hour juice fasting, chelation therapy and heavy metal removal, colon cleansing (colonics), skin cleansing, safe mercury removal, intravenous injections.

Long-term detox programs should include, but are not limited to: dietary changes such as avoiding meats, high-carbohydrates, like rice, white bread, potatoes or sweeteners, chocalate and eating more vegetables and fruits or garlic; drinking fluids (water, vegetable and fruit juice, herbal tea); taking vitamins and supplements. (wow thats my whole diet gone) It is also recommended to exercise (Yoga, Tai Chi), try alternative therapies such as homeopathy, acupuncture, hydrotherapy; and try methods to reduce stress like massage, herbal soaks, or meditation.

Budget/At-home detox treatments
The following at-home detox treatments are simple, budget friendly ways to start a detox regime. However, I suggest that anyone looking to seriously detox and improve their overall health and wellness receive a medical consultation for their detox needs, so they can truly find out the root of their symptoms and receive the best treatment regime. The below detox routines are good “starting off” points, but they will not produce long term results.

Learning how to detox is most often achieved through means like the modification of diet, the use of herbs or teas and more radical methods like colon hydrotherapy, body cleansing juice fasting and sweat lodges. These methods are said to jump start the body’s natural detoxification process. In certain cases artificial detox techniques such as dialysis may have to be implemented.

The word detox is also used to describe the initial detoxification step in any drug or alcohol abuse rehabilitation program. Drug detox is the first step in the journey to abstinence and a drug-free life. The process must always be done under medical supervision and care since the patient will likely battle withdrawal symptoms while abstaining from whatever substance they are dependent on. Through learning how to detox your body and abstinence the body is cleansed from the toxins brought on from abusing their bodies. There should be a greater chance of the patient staying clean if counseling and other rehabilitation efforts are continued following detoxification.

More people are aware of detoxification procedures in today’s world due to modern medicine’s link between colon health and overall health. There is a belief that many common complaints like fatigue, gas, bloating, constipation, headaches, indigestion and weight gain are due in large part to a build up of toxin-filled fecal matter that builds in the colon over time.

Compare the functions of the colon in our bodies to a sewer system in a large city. If debris clogged a region’s sewer system it would only be a matter of time before the repercussions would be felt within the area. The neighborhood would be filled with filth, there would be a horrific stench, and the sewage overflow could possibly contaminate the drinking water. It would not be a healthy environment. People would become sick. The same applies to the human body when the detoxification process is not working well. An overall well-being is felt when the colon is clean and healthy. When it becomes congested it’s not difficult to imagine the potential health consequences.

With obesity becoming more and more of a major health concern there has been a renewed focus on the link between the buildup of toxins and weight gain, especially with belly fat and waist size. Therefore, learning how to detox with a healthy detox diet, and getting a good liver detox for a total body detox is a very Important.

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