Posts Tagged ‘Peeks’


Merry Christmas lets sing…..

December 25, 2010

A bit of gospel xmas cheer always gets me in the mood, espec if its from the diavs whitney & mariah laaaaa erherm enjoy & sing along…..or mime lol Merry Christmas to u & yours have a blessed day MO-Am x


Crazy Swarovski Xbox 360

December 22, 2010

As a girl i love all things pink & diamondy (yes i made that up lol) there are as many as 5,000 genuine crystals are encrusted throughout the box, making this sparkling Swawrovski Xbox 360 Kinect a true gem. Get ready to take a shine to glamorous gaming with this new shimmering console, if thats too much for your budget here are a few alternatives, bling bling ; ;p


The Word Art of Juan Osborne

December 14, 2010

I came across this awsome artwork by Juan Osborne. I love typography myself & love what hes done. Juan Osborne is a Spanish architect and designer, that has literally taken this expression and created stunning art with this concept. His amazing compositions are made up of words, literally thousands of words!
He starts his process by collecting words from books, speeches, movies and recreates photographs and painting using these words laid out in a way so that they form the picture.


Now you can be a pro DJ

December 4, 2010

If you own an iPad, you can now put DJ in front of your name with this app called … well Djay. With More apps being created its bound to hav happedn amd now you can
plug in and DJ mix and scracth like the pros in any club and its only £19.99. check the link below.


Kenrick McFarlane

November 26, 2010

upcoming artist, Kenrick McFarlane, had a solo exhibition that coincided with Common’s receiving of the Dolores Jordan Award. His main goal is to educate, entertain, and inspire my viewers, giving them an experience they would never forget. Check him here


Behold the Future MemTable

November 1, 2010

Wow this is crazy! MemTable, is an interactive touch table that supports co-located group meetings by capturing both digital and physical input in its memory. The goal of the project is to demonstrate hardware and software design principles that integrate recording, recalling, and reflection during the life cycle of a project in one tabletop system. Project by Seth Hunter of the MIT Media Lab, 2010, Hmmm this is one for the MO-AM office lol


Insane Digital Workdesks

November 1, 2010

In a sleek and technologically-infused design, the Table Connect for iPhone might be the coolest desk thus far.

For Apple users who would like to see their screens in the ultimate size, this digital desk is a 58-inch multi-touch surface that accepts iPhone 4 connections via a 30-pin dock connector, creating a gigantic iPhone. The Table Connect for iPhone is captivating—it’s like a smartphone on steroids!


Dance Crazy!!!

October 30, 2010

Choreographer and dancer from San Diego, Vinh Nguyen, is being recognized all over the dance community for being an incredible inspiration to all those aspiring to dance. His credits include artistic director of the Super Galactic Beat Manipulators, Fam Royale, and Movement lifestyle. luv his fluid movement


Monopoly goes gold

October 30, 2010

This is insane!!! The world’s most expensive Monopoly set has gone on show on Wall Street, complete with a gold board studded with jewels. After the games i use to play with friends turned ugly through cheating & stealing money i can only imagine how this one would turn out lol


Alarm Pillow Concept

October 28, 2010

Everyone knows i like to be horizontal, so why rely on mobile phone alarms and clocks when your pillow can do all the work at gettin ur sleep ass up lol? While just a concept, the Alarm Pillow will gently vibrates at the given hour, to wake you up with a buzz, or just leave you thinking you’re having a really good dream. Simply set the label-trigger to the desired hour and lay your head to rest. Best of all, if you don’t get out of the bed, the weight of your noggin acts as the snooze trigger. Nice one


Bone Collection iPhone Portable Speaker

October 28, 2010

So gramophones are making a comeback. The Bone Collection iPhone Portable Speaker uses old school acoustic science to pump 12 decibels of output to your iPhone (original, 3g, 3gs, 4) speaker. Best of all, it won’t eat up your battery. $25


Nail Art

October 28, 2010

just got myself some new nail polish, creative time, get your art on



October 25, 2010

Now we’ve recovered here’s a lil sneeky peek of MO-AM filming at this years 2 day Rumfest & Golden Barrel Awards event at Olympia 2, so much rum so little time. check more out at
Look out for the worlds largest pini colada,carnival dancers….phew just look at the pics already lol, video footage coming soon




Hair raising stuff

October 22, 2010

ha haha…ahh some peeps are just crazy, but u get an A for effort & creativity & if it goes wrong there is always weave! u go wiv your bad selves, Lady gaga eat your heart out x